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Poor Lazio

30-03-2024 11:58

Magno Giampiero

lazio, tifosi, #lavocedeilaziali #tifosilazio #ultraslazio,

Poor Lazio

And today, after the break for the national teams, in this Easter weekend, Serie A is back. Our Lazio is back. It will be Tudor's first Lazio...

 And today, after the break for the national teams, on this Easter weekend, Serie A is back. Our Lazio is back. It will be Tudor's first Lazio. Everyone wonders what Lazio we will see, what Tudor can do, how the players will respond. I think these are useless questions, ones that we have asked ourselves many times with this club. A club that demonstrates, once again, that it is too small for the history of Lazio. A well-established club, at the first signs of trouble in the locker room, would have intervened and solved the problem. But this only happens in big clubs. Take AC Milan in 2021, for example. Pioli was struggling with results, Maldini stepped in, Ibrahimovic helped out, and almost unexpectedly, a Scudetto arrived in May. We have a weak locker room, lacking character and willingness to challenge itself. Great players, in difficult times, try to reinvent themselves, to change their way of playing, to be useful to the team. This doesn't happen at Lazio, why? Because we have good players, with great technical and personality limitations. To me, these players deserve no respect. Players good at hitting from behind, good at liking a post, are not worthy of wearing the Lazio shirt. Lazio is part of history, not you. You are numbers that will pass, the greatness of Lazio will always remain. You put your ego above everything else. Ahead of Lazio itself, perhaps you think you are more important? The Great Lazio of '74 won because they put Lazio above everything. On the field, they were a group, ready to sacrifice themselves for their teammates. You have none of that. That team will always be remembered. People will always remember players like Chinaglia, Re Cecconi, D'Amico, Maestrelli, because they are symbols of what Lazio represents. Immobile, Luis Alberto, and others will only be remembered for their statistics. A group survives because each member is ready to fight, to sacrifice, not to step back, not to betray. You have lost honor, you have left the few to fight for you, and that's why you have failed. It is much better to dare extraordinary things, to achieve great victories, even if marked by failure, rather than aligning yourself with those poor in spirit who do not experience great joys or sorrows, because they live in a gray area that knows neither victories nor defeats. I always follow and will always follow Lazio, I will support and fight for it, because Lazio has always been a part of me. But not for you. For years, I have stopped believing in the players, I have seen players like Nesta, Vieri, Nedved, Veron, and many others leave. You do not deserve applause, no matter what happens tonight or at the end of the season, you no longer deserve to wear this shirt and be part of Lazio. Tudor is a good coach, but the path will always be the same. Some good placements, maybe with a bit of luck, we will go to the Champions League, then the usual ups and downs. A large percentage of Lazio fans now settle for this mediocrity. Under Lotito, Lazio has been like this for 20 years, no growth, no planning, no solid foundation projects. When a derby becomes the goal of a fan base's season and the Italian Cup their Champions League, the future cannot be bright. Everyone blames that stubborn and foolish Sarri, the same one who was idolized a few months before for the beautiful game that had brought us to second place. Now you continue on this path, in a little while, you will need a new scapegoat. Poor Lazio, more dark years await us, with little glory. Will we be able to soar again? Only in moments of atrocious despair, when we reach the peak of suffering, can our psychological effort of transformation become very strong. Before we can be reborn, as they say, we must "hit rock bottom," because this is precisely how we can open our eyes, start to understand, and fight to be reborn. "RUINS ALONE ARE NOT ENOUGH TO BURY THE UNDAUNTED" FORZA LAZIO AD MAIORA.